MARK | Private Pilot CFI Reinstatement

The mission

Mark’s mission was to reinstate his airplane single and multi-engine Certified Flight Instructor rating.

Mark's experience

Mark Lund reinstates his airplane single and multiengine CFI from 1982 by taking a sport pilot CFI checkride with Paul Hamilton DPE in a Sling 2 LSA.

Yes, per 61.427, a sport pilot CFI checkride reinstates his private pilot CFI single and multi engine certificate. Mark let his CFI expire long ago when he worked for United Airlines as an ATP building thousands of hours in the sky.

Mark had to go back and learn all the new sport pilot and light sport aircraft procedures, rules and regulations to get through the sport CFI practical test.

Congratulations Mark for reinstating your CFI with Sport Aviation Center. It is an honor and privilege to work with aviation professionals such as your self.