An on-line eLearning course for renters, students, pilots, owners and mechanics is now available at

This is needed by FBO’s, schools, instructors, and manufacturers to qualify operators for “basic” operating the ROTAX 912 engines.

This is especially important for pilots and mechanics transitioning from classic aircraft engines (Continental/Lycoming) to the ROTAX 912.

This course provides video from ROTAX industry experts Phil Lockwood and Dean Vogel plus classical text covering the proper oils, fuels, coolants, cold starting and idling.

Successful completion of a fifteen question quiz/test at the end provides a certificate to assure the basic operation of the ROTAX 912 is understood before use of the aircraft.

Sport Aviation Center


Paul is one of the first people to receive Sport Pilot Certified Instructor (CFI) and Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) for Sport Pilots. He is owner of Sport Aviation Center, a FBO located at the Carson City Airport in Carson City, Nevada, USA.