Commercial Trike Operations
Here is a list of the operations/activities that are possible with a trike commercial pilot certificate/license. Overall these would provide new jobs plus save energy/money
Here is a list of the operations/activities that are possible with a trike commercial pilot certificate/license. Overall these would provide new jobs plus save energy/money
The following is my proposal for a Commercial Trike Pilot License (weight-shift control aircraft pilot certificate) . The hours are more than a Private Pilot
The following are modifications to the FAR Title 14 Part 91 WSC Trike aircraft needed which is not modified yet: § 91.319 Aircraft having experimental
The following is discussion on this issue at Trike Pilot Social: Commercial Trike license to expand triking. What is the best strategy? Published by: Paul
The following is my post at EAA 360 and provides insite and ideas on this new pilot certificate Commercial Trike Pilot Certificate needed Posted By: